A Peek of Breaking Dawn Calendar
We love to grab our hands with this new Breaking Dawn Calendar, a must for die-hard Twilighters out there... So what does it look like?
I love, I love my BD Calendar...
January - Edward start the year off fine...
February - Bella, you're my little Valentine...
March - I'm gonna march you down Alice...
April - Jacob you're my wolf when you smile...
May - Rosalie I like you to be my Mom...
June - Jasper I'll take you to the Junior's Prom...
July - Esme you're like a firecracker all aglow...
August - Emmett when you're on the beach and wearing CK, you steal the show...
September - Carlisle you light my world like a candle... (But not with the Boyzone 'do)
October - Edward I love your golden eyes...
November - Bella knows Edward is mine...
December - Jacob you're the present 'neath my tree...
Source for the photos and you can buy it @ The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn 2012 Wall CalendarThe Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn 2012 Wall Calendar