
Things I Love Thursday

by - January 19, 2012

It's been awhile since i've done this and the first for 2012. So here's what i'm loving this week...

Fireworks! Yay i love fireworks so much and luckily the place where i lived is near a mall who have weekly fireworks display. I just need to look out of my window once i've heard the popping and the booming firework noises.

It's the start of Australian Open. Will still be rooting for Nadal...

I was browsing three days ago in a used bookstore and i found this coffee table book hiding among the Children's books. Someone might have hidden it there to come back for later but lucky me, i found it. Finder's Keeper.

I'm an anglophile and that's why i'm so ecstatic when i found this book. And more than that, it was an autographed/signed book by the Earl itself. Yes, signed by Charles Spencer, brother of the late Princess Diana. There are so much history contained in that book. It tells the story of Althorp and the Spencer family throughout 500 years. Can you imagine having something dating back from that time? I am so envious. It's just like what i feel when i saw a building which is a bank in Frankfurt and written on the wall is "since 1470" (can't really remember the year but its close to that). I have so much to tell you about Althorp in another post simply because it deserve an altogether different post...

And finally after weeks and months of waiting, Kresley Cole's book is here!

And lastly, i want to share with you the articles of my favorite newspaper column writer, Ms Lucy Torres, i just love the way she writes about things... She writes a s beautifully as she looks!

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