
A Look into ManilaMed's Brain Center

by - November 22, 2017

Anything that is related to brain need the highest order of providing care.  It is something that is done in a compassionate and professional approach.  In the Philippines, there is only a few hospital that can give you the overall care for brain health. One of them is the brain center of the ManilaMed,  the hospital favored for exceptional patient experience.

ManilaMed's Brain Center, with its state-of-the-art and diagnostic equipments  offers the best checking on the the health of a person's brain. Riding on their tagline of  “Only our best, to make you feel better", equipment includes the Electroencephalogram (EEG) and video Electroencephalogram (EEG). They are used to track brain activities and record brain wave patterns. Small eletrodes are placed on the scalp of the patient and these detect brain waves. The brain waves are converted into signals and sent to a computer that records and prints out results.

Through this, neurologists can diagnose brain disorders and diseases including; Epilepsy (the most common disorder), Narcolepsy (sleep disorders), Alzheimer’s disease, Brain Infections and Hemorrhage, Disorders that affect Brain Tissues and Central Nervous System, Stroke,  Brain Tumor, Brain Death, and other conditions.

ManilaMed's compassionate doctors, dedicated medical staff, and modern facilities provide everything you need and deserve. We give our best to make you #FeelBetter  The ManilaMed Brain Center is open from 8 am to 5 pm, Tuesdays to Saturdays (except holidays). 

For more information please call 523 8132 loc. 2822 or email: eeg@manilamed.com.ph  You may also visit our website http://manilamed.com.ph

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