
To Pay or Not to Pay for Online Dating

by - June 29, 2018

Love is wired in our DNA, let’s not be biblical about this but love is an essential human need. But how do we go about meeting that person who will become an important part of our life? While some depend on fate and destiny, just waiting, others move in social circles searching for potential dates and mates. But haven’t you noticed, as the years go by, it’s getting harder and harder to meet someone in this traditional manner.


With the world becoming online, dating sites is flourishing, presenting an attractive package for people looking for love but got no time on their hands. Nowadays, many people turned online to look for date.

As online dating becoming quite popular, hundreds and hundreds of dating sites proliferated. Of course, majority are dating sites with free membership. People just find it easy to browse for profiles looking for that potential date or partner, appearing much easier than searching for dates or doing this kind of meeting in a social context.

The question is, in looking for match or a date online, should you should look for a dating sites that offers free membership or choose for sites that charges you once you become its member? The bigger question is, should you pay for online dating or free membership is good?


People love free stuff and with everything free, more options are given to you. When it comes to functionality, free dating sites offers broader matches where you connect with more people. Chances are since it is demographic-based, you get to meet people near your location presenting the chance of meeting them personally and getting to know more about each other.

Free dating sites provide services that are meant to attract more members and to keep them coming back. With free sites, you get to search for more potential matches. It may be time-consuming to choose with all the results but the best part is you have lots of choices.

On a serious note, paid dating sites just give you the advantages to meet people who are as serious and committed because it is very likely that they too are looking for someone who wants to be in a committed relationship because they invested money for it.


Whether your chosen online site is a free membership or a paid one, in the end what matters really is how happy you are as a member and you like the quality of people you are being matched with or interacting to. Regardless of what anyone thinks, there’s nothing wrong in looking for love thru online dating. Its just a good place to start if you’re shy or don’t want to mix in to the social crowds. After all, it’s still you who decide what or who to look for, you just made it easy by joining sites who does the job for you. The best dating sites are ones that gives you the chance to find that perfect match.

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