
BAVI is first Filipino company to provide leadership coaching to store managers

by - October 21, 2018

Bounty Agro Ventures, Inc. (BAVI), makers of Chooks-to-Go, has created Leadership Development, an internal coaching unit that provides leadership coaching programs to middle management employees and even first-time management trainees.

Since its launch in 2017, the Leadership Development unit has rendered an estimated more than 600 hours providing leadership seminars and coaching to about 100 store managers who handle more than 1,000 stores of BAVI’s roasted chicken brands nationwide.

From L to R: Atty. Nedo L. Sasing – Vice President for Legal, Human Resources, and Corporate Administration, Mark L. Trias – Vice President for National Sales, Business Development, and Marketing, Doc Tony A. Utzurrum – Vice President for Visayas Operations, Gladys S. Quillopas – Group Manager for Information Systems , Francis F. Alcantara – Group Manager for Store and Plant Innovation/ Repairs & Maintenance, Ronald R. Mascariñas – BAVI President and General Manager, Gerry A. Plana – CEO of Investors in People, Jaimie E. Natividad – Group Manager for Human Resources, Milady T. Resurreccion – Group Manager for Compliance, Abigail H. Rivera – Manager for Training, Jose D. Montes – Manager for Leadership Development, Rachelle A. Payumo – Asst. Manager for Compliance

“The results have been promising so far. Since people undergo coaching, they have someone they can talk to, process their experiences, come up with better ideas, and therefore, better performance,” shares Atty. Nedo Sasing, BAVI vice president for Human Resources.

In a recent evaluation, BAVI discovered that business units that undergo coaching delivered five percent more sales versus those that did not, a huge boost given the large volume of chicken that the company brings to Filipinos every day.

In some large multinational and even Filipino-owned companies, it has become a practice to send top-level executives to leadership coaching seminars and workshops or contract external groups for a series of leadership training sessions among middle management employees.

But BAVI president and general manager, Ronald Mascariñas, took a leap of faith, choosing to invest in an internal coaching unit with a deep understanding that the 21-year-old company will need high quality leaders from top-to-bottom to ensure its success in the next decades.

"BAVI is the first Filipino company that I know that has deliberately and extensively used leadership coaching as a strategy to improve business performance," said Gerry Plana, Investors in People Philippines CEO and People Management Association of the Philippines past executive director. “Their decision comes from a firm belief that corporate excellence is strongly driven by leadership excellence. And leadership excellence can only be ensured through a continuing coaching process and not a one-off leadership event.”

Leadership Development spearheads BAVI’s organizational development programs and is on track to expand its coverage to other company units and impact as many employees as possible with coaching.

BAVI president and general manager Ronald Mascariñas believes in investing in people, regardless of rank or tenure, and providing what they need to be the best version of themselves.

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