De La Salle Lipa to Hold International Education Conference
De La Salle
Lipa (DLSL) will be holding an international conference dubbed as the “Future
of Education Conference,” on January 21 to 22, 2019 at the SMX Convention
Center, Manila.
I’m Cie. An ex-Banker turned Blogger. An unshakable optimist, I gave up the security of a 9 to 5 job to look for that undefinable something that has made me restless over the years. And now armed with nothing more than a passion and a dream, I’m slowly discovering more about life surrounded by people in events and in places I’ve only read about.
The Diva Princess is also a Bibliophile, Anglophile, Lover of all things British and Korean, Sucker for British accent, Fangirl of Korean Dramas and idols, Liverpool, Cristiano Ronaldo, Rafa Nadal and Britney Spears. A Harry Potter Fanatic.