
Meet Eddie: How One Fictional Character is changing the Way People Read

by - January 04, 2019

‘Day one at the Convenience Store, here goes nothing’. These nine words are all the exposition readers need to kick off The Convenience Store, an ongoing original series that is fast becoming an internet favorite. The series revolves around Eddie, a hapless writer left to his own devices at his banal day-job in a convenience store.

“I think of Eddie as a regular young person who has discovered a dream, but hasn’t yet discovered how to reach it,” shares Hengtee Lim, creator of The Convenience Store. “He’s stuck in a kind of purgatory and trying to make the best of it.”

A Look Inside The Convenience Store

Since its launch, the story has become a reader-favorite on Twitter and Everyst, a social fiction app. Everyst presents stories that are told through tweets written by the characters themselves, allowing readers to enjoy fictional pieces that are uniquely character-driven. The Convenience Store is one of the leading stories on the app today.

The Convenience Store is a series inspired by Lim’s experiences working in retail. “I thought a convenience store location would be funny and relatable. I was surprised by the things I saw and experienced while on the other side of the customer service experience.”

Yet even then, the continuous development of the series is not without its limitations. “My own retail experience only covered enough material for the first couple of episodes, so the creative process now involves asking a lot of ‘what if’ questions and following them to see if they’re funny.”

Telling Stories Through Social Fiction

Because stories on Everyst are delivered straight to the audience, many readers have begun to communicate with the cast from The Convenience Store through Twitter. This is what makes social fiction truly unique: not only can audiences easily digest a single series, but they are now empowered with a way to interact with their favorite characters on a very personal level.

Lim seems to enjoy leaving interactions at the hands of his characters, sharing, “I leave that with Eddie, Trevor, and Shifty. They seem to have it covered without issue. Our readers are a good group who help give Eddie’s jokes a new dimension by riffing on them- this makes it so easy.” But anyone familiar with the tone of the stories are pretty sure it’s him!

With this unique approach to storytelling, Everyst has empowered young writers such as Hengtee Lim with a platform to tell exciting and interactive stories. “Compared to traditional fiction, it’s new and it’s different. We’re still learning how to do it as we go; this makes it flexible, fun, and challenging, in equal parts.”

New Artist on The Convenience Store

With so much attention coming to Eddie’s world, the team began to introduce new artists to its burgeoning roster of talent. Local artist, Bapogichi is one of the newest additions to the Everyst creative team, working alongside Hengtee Lim, who’ll begin taking The Convenience Store’s art in a new, more polished direction.

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