
Up Close and Personal with Julia Saubier

by - April 30, 2019

In my four years of covering events, I met with several beauty pageant contestants and winners along the way. There are some whose just like every other girl you know save for the sash and the tiara and there are some like Pia Wurtzbach who can totally captivate you while talking to her up close. But last April 27, 2019 in an intimate gathering one hot afternoon, we were charmed by this beautiful, intelligent and very eloquent girl who will represent Daraga, Albay in this year’s Binibining Pilipinas – meet Julia Eugénie Augustias Calleja Saubier. Julia Saubier for short, and like every Julia I know she is simply lovely and quite adorable.

Official Julia FB
Standing at nearly six feet tall, 5’11” to be exact, this Filipina-French beauty (she was born in Lyon France but she grew up and spent most of her life in the Philippines) is a multi-talented and as quintessential Filipina as you can get. She loves to study (currently completing her Masters in China Studies with concentration on Economics and Management), an athlete, a firm believer of Asian pride, and an avid motorcycle rider among so many others.

It is through her love of motorcycle riding that she was discovered by her Fairy Godmother of sort, the legendary Ms. Melanie Marquez and persuade her to join the Binibining Pilipinas beauty pageant.

It is a fact that we know very little about Julia as the pageant started. She doesn’t have any modeling or pageant experience unlike many of her co-competitors. But armed with her dream to join one and believing that she can best represent the country in the Miss Universe, she is no longer testing the waters but is diving totally to be in the competition. As she said during the intimate gathering, she always felt that, “in most, this is all I was ever meant to do.”

Modern Moms World
Julia may appear “too strong” or “impressive” to some but like any other who personally came to know her, she is now revealing her persona to be that of the next Miss Universe that we need.

Julia have always led an unconventional life and have taken many unusual paths in her lifetime and this year she has chosen to take in the pageantry life. As a Saubier Soldier convert, I have become a fan and is marching with her on the road to Miss Universe!

But first, here are some of the things you should know about Julia Saubier.

Julia has a very long name: Julia Eugénie Augustias Calleja Saubier.

She’s a product of globalization. Her father is French who came to the Philippines on a work assignment and met a lovely Filipina.

Julia lived for two years in Australia with her family then returned to the Philippines before moving away again for her undergraduate and graduate education.

At a young age, Julia learned how to compromise with the intersection of two cultures, being Filipino and French, and learned what it meant to work across differences, maneuver cultural boundaries, and lead a life philosophy grounded in mutual respect.

Julia knows what it feels to live a well-off and comfortable life and how fleeting it could be when in the wake of the 2007 financial crisis her dad lost his job and struggled to find work while her mom continued to be a stay-at-home mom.

When her father suffered a heart attack on the 14-hour flight on their way to France but thankfully survived, Julia had a transformation then and keep recalling her conversation with her father. According to him, “looking at death eye-to-eye, it transforms how you think. He asked himself, “is what I’m doing with my life meaningful?” Her father taught her that service to others and to your country should be at the center of everything you do.

Julia knows that a good education, is a privilege, and not a right, though it should be.

Julia learned all about how to be flexible, resilient, dependable and humility with grace from her Mother who serve as her inspiration.

In the 8th grade, Julia secured a scholarship to attend the international school of Manila. She was a consistent 4.0 student, three-season varsity captain and athlete, actor in the school play, anchor for the school news site. This is what anchored her in her quest to study abroad.

Julia got the opportunity to represent the Philippines across South and Southeast Asia for soccer, basketball, track, and theatre.

Julia was among the first Filipino scholars at NYU Abu Dhabi where she graduated Magna cum Laude and on full scholarship.

She majored in Social Research and Public Policy (a mix of history, demography, political science) and minors in film and new media production and political science.

A very creative person, Julia love the process of bringing a static idea to life, and of using your craft to inspire change. She started working with film as a producer and eventually acted in and directed a couple of shorts. She envisions a film world where there is an empowering and inclusive representations and a supporting female talent on-and-off screen.  

Before joining Binibining Pilipinas Julia rarely wore make-up.

Julia loves Martial Arts. She started learning kung-fu, specifically in Shaolin Kung Fu, because she was inspired by Chinese cinema. She began studying kung-fu at a monastery and later a Chinese military school for upwards of 8 hours/day. She said that It was an intense and very different kind of Binibini training.

Julia consistently saw Asian women as the image of strength and leadership and she was inspired and empowered by it.

Although not much into make-up and didn’t really own any, she ended up spending a quarter of her monthly scholarship stipend on just 5 items of makeup during the start of the pageant.

She is inspired how Everbilena has some great quality, competitively priced products that is made with Filipinas in mind

Julia believes that power, strength, and achievement are womanly, beautiful, and very Filipina.

Julia is into Filipino martial art called Pekiti-Tersia Kali. With its movement-based practices, it uses the body in a powerful and expressive way.

Julia loves world literature and cinema, learning about ancient spiritual and movement-based practices, and Filipino culture.

Julia speaks fluent English, with conversational facility in French, Mandarin, Hungarian, Spanish and of course Filipino.

Julia is currently completing her Masters in China Studies (with concentration on Economics and Management) at Peking University.

Julia has interned with Becky Anderson for CNN International and Hollywood Director Wes Anderson as well as with the BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts).

Julia is very athletic and in the varsity level of soccer, track-and-field, basketball and softball.

And one very, very interesting fact, Julia rides ANGKAS!

And to leave you with some thought provoking statement from the future Miss Universe, she shares, “To me, people’s initial assessment shows that we have a narrow understanding of what it means to be a woman and what it means to be beautiful. Why can’t women be successful, strong, AND beautiful? Why are women who are athletic automatically masculine? Why do we take issue with seeing women as powerful and empowered?”

That. Ladies and gentlemen is Miss Julia Saubier.


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