Smile Train, GSK co-present cleft symposium

by - October 11, 2019

Smile Train, the world’s leading cleft organization, brings together individuals involved in providing cleft care for It Starts with A Smile cleft management symposium.

The event aims to improve the knowledge and proficiency of medical practitioners and individuals involved in providing comprehensive cleft care for children ranging from newborns to adults.

Sharing the same realization that a child with a cleft often requires more than just surgery to be fully treated and have the best chance of living a healthy and productive life, the symposium was joined by representatives from the country’s esteemed medical associations including the Association of Philippine Orthodontists, Philippine Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Philippine Association of Speech Pathologist, and the Philippine Pediatric Dentists Society, Inc. The symposium was co-organized by The Noordhoff Craniofacial Foundation of the Philippines and hosted by GSK.

Through organized panel discussions moderated by medical practitioners, It Starts with A Smile, provided a platform for the attendees to share, inform, and be educated more extensively on cleft care treatment for children. Topics such as preparing the child for surgery, anesthesia concerns, and primary cleft lip and palate surgery for infants and toddlers were discussed.

For children ages three to twelve years old, speech evaluation after primary palatoplasty, dental health, and bone grafting of cleft patients were thoroughly discussed. For those who have cleft lip or palate ages 13 and up, orthodontics before and after Orthognathic surgery, assessment and considerations of the surgery, cleft management and Restorative/Prosthodontic treatment were focused on.

For more information about Smile Train’s global efforts and to donate, please visit 

To learn more about Smile Train’s local programs in the Philippines, please follow Smile Train Philippines on Twitter and Instagram @SmileTrainPh, and like us on Facebook at @SmileTrainPhilippines

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