by - May 14, 2022

J. Amado Araneta Foundation (JAAF) creates pockets of positive social changes in different corners of the Philippines through the projects that will be birthed in the Spark-a-Change, and, at the same time, invests in the development of the future generation of leaders.

Initiated in 2021, the J. Amado Araneta Foundation piloted the Challenge among its Scholars as part of their community outreach activities.  It awarded a seed grant to two projects on environmental protection and distance learning education from among the proposals sent for consideration.  For the second year, Spark-a-Change is bigger, and is open to youth organizations nationwide.

Community development literature emphasizes the importance of citizen participation as the main driver of strengthening communities. Through active participation, the youth are empowered to play a vital role in their development as well as in that of their communities.  Youth participation usher vital life-skills learnings, builds competencies, forms aspirations, increases confidence, opens valuable resources and network, encourages knowledge of human rights and citizenship, promotes positive civic action and sustained community development, among others.  

Young people are increasingly recognized as significant agents of change. Countless young people around the world are in the forefront of positive social change by leading community initiatives, operating small businesses, and reshaping political processes.

Spark-a-Change 2022 is open to all Filipino youth organizations and groups, with members from ages 15-30.  The youth organization must have an endorsement from or accredited by a registered entity, e.g. school, religious community, barangay, NGO, etc.


Spark-A-Change 2022 will support a total of eight winning entries with a total pot prize of Php100,000.   There will be four winners per Category:

Category A – for projects that will need a seed fund of Php5,000 for implementation.

Category B - for projects that need a seed fund of Php20,000 for its implementation.


The Project is launched on 12 May 2022 with a call for proposal via the JAAF social media pages. Applications will be accepted until 31 May 2022.  The announcement of top twenty qualified entries will made on 10 June 2022.  The twenty qualifiers will undergo a 2-day online Ideation Camp on 18 and 25 June 2022.  Day 1 shall be focused on improving project proposals and action plans, while Day 2 will be dedicated for pitching final project proposals, with a panel of judges.

Here are some key questions for organizations to consider in making the Spark-A-Change Project Proposal:

Is the proposed project responsive to a need of the identified community of which the applicant is a part of, or “within reach” to them?

Is the proposed project new, and not an existing program/ activity of the applicant?  

Does the proposed project target underlying cause/s of an issue or a problem?

Will the proposed project be immediately implemented between July to August 2022? 

Will the youth organization, youth group, and/or the entity endorsing the applicant provide a counterpart in the project, either financial or other types of support?

After the solution is implemented, will the community be able to replicate, scale or sustain the intervention, and integrate it in their way of life?

The criteria for judging are as follows: VISION is 20%.  The idea should be bold, creative, and clearly tackles the pressing issue and with clear problem identification.  SPARK is 30%.  It should be a solution that addressees the problem.  Is it practical? Is it doable? What makes it innovative? IMPACT makes up for 25%.

Is the activity and its impact measurable activity.  What changed? And, FIRE will be 25%.  Can the project be transferable, replicable, or expanded?

To join, please access and fill out the Google form at https://forms.gle/6HnaJKvfFL1rLujFA.  For more information on Spark-a-Change, follow J. Amado Araneta Foundation – JAAF on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  You may send an email to jaafoundation@aranetagroup.com.

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