Sony continues support for COVID-19 response in Southeast Asia

by - May 16, 2022

The Sony Group (Sony) extends its sympathies to all those around the world who have been affected by the COVID-19 virus.

Since the “Sony Global Relief Fund for COVID-19" (“Fund”) was established in April 2020, Sony continues to provide various support activities primarily in the three areas of “medical,” “education” and the “creative community.”

During the past two years, Sony has provided a total of approximately US$65 million to approximately 5,600 organizations. 

In response to the situation in Southeast Asian countries where the infection rate of COVID-19 was worsening last year, and continuous prevention measures were necessary, Sony donated US$2.5 million to support activities in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam through the Fund.

Sony also donated US$2.5 million to the international NGO, Save the Children and the Malaysian Red Crescent Societies (International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), to support local medical and education related activities and infection prevention measures such as procurement and provision of medical equipment and personal protective equipment, holding infection prevention awareness campaigns, continuous learning support for children, and installation of hand-washing facilities in schools and communities.

Read more about the "Sony Global Relief Fund for COVID-19" here.

Sony will continue to work with its partners and stakeholders to provide further support activities around the world.

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