MetroMart offers multiple ₱1 deals in 11.11 MEGA PISO SALE
MetroMart, the no.1 on-demand online grocery delivery platform, provides multiple PISO SALES with leading supermarket partners, discount sales, and FREE Delivery in the 11.11 Mega PISO SALE this November 11-15, 2022
The 11.11 Mega PISO SALE, will feature items that can be purchased for only ₱1.00 when you order and get it delivered via MetroMart across select branches of S&R, Robinsons Supermarket, The Marketplace, Landmark, Robinsons Easymart, Shopwise, Ever Supermarket, UltraMega and No Brand. All products are available for ₱1.00 only through the entire promo duration of November 11-15.
Please see the 11.11 Mega PISO SALE itinerary below: