J.K. Rowling Sorry about Fred Weasley's Death

by - May 05, 2015

I was looking at my Twitter earlier when i saw this post of J.K.Rowling that makes me quite mad.

This tweet brings back every ire I've felt during those time. Reasonable ire,  my foot!. And what? sorry?  I will not accept your apology J.K. Rowling. 

Harry Potter might just be fiction to some but for us who invested time and emotion for it, each story and characters is as real to us as if they are people we met on the street.

Of all the Harry Potter's book, The Deathly Hallows is the only book in the series that I've read only once and that was in 2007. That book made me cried a lot, from Hedwig's death to Lupin, Tonks and Fred's. I stopped reading for a few hours after reading Fred's death. I remember throwing the book and not picking it up. I was so affected, even now it brings tears to my eyes. His death feels like I've lost a family member. So when i got back into reading after a few hours, I was quite numbed, only Molly Weasley's "Not my daughter, you bitch!" scene do i perked up a little. And i love the epilogue but really not Fred's death.

I cried for Sirius and Dumbledore too but Fred's death is different. You also thought so Ms. Rowling as you admit that writing Fred's death is the worst for you.

So Ms. Rowling your apology might be appreciated by some but not me. You might have chosen the date of May 2 to express your regret, because in Harry Potter fictional world, it's the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts but for me it will always be Fred Weasley's Death Anniversary.

This is the first time after 2007 that I've seen this paragraph and it makes me sad again.

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