Making the web accessible through technology
Microsoft, Ateneo, & ATRIEV host hackathon for the visually-impaired
The internet is a very important aspect of our life,
as our most common source of information and entertainment, and means of
connecting with peers and loved ones. However, most websites are not designed
to be used by those with visual impairment, making much of the web inaccessible
to those with vision loss.
This is the problem that Adaptive Technology for the
Rehabilitation, Integration, and Empowerment of the Visually Impaired (ATRIEV)
sought to address when it partnered with Microsoft to host its first-ever
hackathon last September 9-10 at Ateneo de Manila University. Dubbed “Hack a
Site, Hack a Sight”, the event sought to promote web accessibility for all by
recreating local, service-oriented websites to comply with the standards of the
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
“Hack a Site, Hack a Sight is very much in line
with our mission of providing inclusive and accessible technology to everyone.
We’re extremely happy to be part of a project where bright young minds from
different perspectives can collaborate and explore the possibilities of
accessible technology,” said Bertrand Launay, Managing Director of Microsoft
The hackathon was attended by visually-impaired (VI)
students from ATRIEV as well as sighted students from other participating
schools across Metro Manila. VI students teamed up with their sighted
counterparts to re-create a website with the focus on improving web
The 18 teams identified the accessibility bottlenecks
in the website, and aimed to address several accessibility concerns when they
re-created their respective websites. These involved determining whether
websites were responsive or mobile compatible, and the specific issues that
prevented VI users from accessing these sites.
The young “hackers” then incorporated accessibility
features to address each accessibility issue, taking steps to improve the
overall user experience of the website. Some teams utilized voice/speech
programs like Microsoft’s own API to improve accessibility.
“This hackathon for the blind with the blind truly
demonstrated what the word “inclusive” is all about” says Tony Llanes, ATRIEV’s
Executive Director. “It showed that both the sighted and the sightless can take
advantage of the technology using universal design”.
For some developers, Hack a Site, Hack a Sight was an
eye opener. Prior to the event, they had no idea of, or gave very little
importance to web accessibility.
“There’s this whole angle of accessibility that was
never really considered before. One thing I found really interesting was
getting to work with the visually-impaired, and see their perspective on what
the internet is to them. There is this whole other side that you need to
consider when you make a website,” said Deion Tristan Cosgayon Menor, a 3rd-year
Computer Science major at Ateneo de Manila University.
“At Microsoft, we are steadfast in our commitment to
providing technology with the best accessibility features in conformance with
global standards,” said Launay. “Through technology, we can truly empower
everyone to achieve more.”
the Coding for Accessibility project, a Microsoft YouthSpark Program, the
partnership aims to cultivate computer science skills among young people with
visual impairment by providing a platform to grow IT skills sets and getting
access to the latest technology tools and resources.
learn more about the Coding for Accessibility project, click this link: :