Celebrating life and rebirth for the Love of Leyte
celebration of the rebirth of Leyte five years the onslaught of Typhoon
Yolanda, Eastern Visayas recently witnessed For the Love of Leyte, a
non-profit, benefit arts and music festival that gathered together local
artists and artisans to create empowerment and change through music and arts.
by the Philippine Foundation, in partnership with the Tourism Promotions Board
(TPB), the marketing arm of the Department of Tourism (DOT), One Love Festival
UK and Tabo-an Ha Ginsiyaman, the two-day festival featured a one-of-a-kind
musical experience featuring local and foreign artists as well as trade fairs,
and a series of cultural workshops. For the Love of Leyte event also aimed to
champion sustainable tourism and development, as well as reintroduce tourists
to post-Yolanda Leyte.
Photo shows Waray band Kulahig.