
Soaring Great Heights in the Medical Industry: E*Chi'mes Pharmaceutical Inc. Launches NeuroAid 2 and New Logo on its 10th Year Anniversary

by - July 30, 2018

With a decade of success in its hands, E*Chi'mes Pharmaceutical Inc. (ECPI) continues to ascend to greater heights by providing fast and full recovery m stroke and neurological patients in the Philippines.

As testament to their pursuit in offering effective solutions to post-stroke recovery. as well u cognitive decline and traumatic brain injuries, the company is celebrating its 10th year anniversary with the theme: The Flight: Soaring High Through the Wings of Change: E*Chi'mes Pharmaceutical Inc. at 10. This is part of E*Chi'mes Pharmaceutical Inc. at 10. This is part of E*Chi'mes Pharmaceutical Inc.’s initiative to commemorate the company’s historical roots from its humble beginnings to its remarkable victories, and to honor the dynamic individuals behind its success story.

10 Years of Success

In 2008, the doors opened for E*Chi'mes Pharmaceutical Inc. after Moleac PTE LTD Singapore officially partnered with the company to exclusively distribute and market NeuroAid.  Through positive feedback from prescribers and patients. sales and demand for NeuroAid increased significantly driving the company to further develop and Improve its services.

Over the years, ECPI managed to spread its wings and further strengthen its ventures, which led to an increase in sales and demand for FDA-approved NeuroAid m 3 Traditionally Used Herbal Product Widespread improvement in the company's culture and an expansion In Its roster of efficient team players were also taken into consideration as part of E*Chi'mes’ persistent effort: to earn its respectful place in the pharmaceutical industry.

With the success that's going on with ECPI, the trusted ally in the neurological field never forgot to give back to the people who supported its advocacy from day one. Community outreach programs were mounted to extend aid to the marginalized in the rural and urban districts. Some of the less fortunate ones in the poor communities of Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro also received scholarship and were sent to study in Colegio De San Sebastian.

For the benefit of its employees, ECPI leads the way in providing established enrichment program and overseas incentive trips. ECPI also supported and sponsored select doctors in pursuing their CME’s to the European Stroke Organization Convention in Barcelona, Prague, Czech Republic, and to WCN in Kyoto.

Looking a decade back of soaring through the wings of change, ECPl is now ready to face the beginning of a new era with wider horizons to conquer and greater heights to reach.

New ECPI Logo

With the beginning of a new era for E*Chi'mes Pharmaceutical Inc, a fresher and more vibrant logo was made for the company. The new logo portrays the rebirth, the metamorphosis of the company continually evolving and soaring.

This circular logo represents wholeness, timelessness, and constant movement Through the shades of orange and blue, the collaboration of partners that have made ECPI a success is being signified. The color blue represents NeuroAid, the company’s banner product, while the orange shades are combined colors of ECPI and Moleac. Furthermore, orange suggests warmth. success. and encouragement the very key characteristics that make ECPl the best ally in facing challenges against stroke.

NeuroAid 2

Since 2008, ECPI has given the gift of better chances of faster, full recovery from stroke to its patients through NeuroAid. Through exteive research and product development. the new and improved NeuroAid, presently NeuroAid 2, is now available with expanded coverage in strategic locations across the Philippines.

From 9 herbal and 5 animal ingredients, NeuroAid 2 has reduced the number of ingredients and focused on the 9 herbal ingredients. The regular 10 boxes per month of NeuroAid dosage is now lowered to 1 box per month of NeuroAid 2. The medicine has well established properties which demonstrates boosting natural recovery. Advantages of NeuroAid 2 are:
  • Reduced variability
  • Reduced risk of contamination
  • Avoidance of unnecessary animal slaughter
  • Reduced daily number of capsules to improve compliance
  • Expected similar or even better safety profile

With this improved formulation, the patients will have a simpler daily dosage and will reduce the burden of taking too much pills, thus, making compliance to treatment easier.

Direct sale of NeuroAid 2 is available in E*Chi'mes Pharmaceutical lnc.’s office and/or via medical representatives only.

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