
ICATS Helps Aspiring Flight Attendants to Soar Higher with their Dreams

by - August 30, 2018

Almost every girl dream of being a flight stewardess, imagine flying and traveling to different parts of the world. Ms. Princess Joy Garcia of International Cabin Attendant Training School, also known as ICATS is one of those girls who had that childhood dream of becoming a Flight Attendant. And wouldn’t you know it, her dream of pursuing it led to making others pursue her same dream and make it happen to them.

It started in 2009 when Ms. Princess Joy Garcia, found herself at a crossroad to either pursue this dream or make it happen for others and decided to choose the higher road filled with purpose — to fulfill the dreams of others to see the world as Flight Attendants.

Photo by Jaimie Felix of MermaidInStilletos

Established in 2009, ICATS was founded by Ms. Garcia together with a group of people who also shared the same mission, passion and vision of her to help young trainees fulfill their dreams of becoming a Flight Attendant.  Together with Mr. Arthuro “Arth” De Leon and the late Ms. Carmelita “Armie” Guiao ICATS was born.

When ICATS was launched in April 2010, the first batch consist only of 3 enrollees. But they were not discouraged and it made them more to become fired and faced the challenges that await them. The succeeding batches have shown great potential and ICATS then soared higher. ICATS dream were fully realized in 2014 when there was a rapid increase of enrollees requiring them to transfer to a bigger venue, one where they can put up with more classrooms.

God was faithful to ICATS that in 2017 that it continued to expand its wings by moving to a more spacious school venue to further accommodate the continuous increase of enrollees.

The same year, ICATS also launched the “ICATS Cabin Trainer” — a mock room that is a replica of an aircraft’s Business and Economy class setting. This allows students to not only get a real feel of an aircraft’s in-flight atmosphere, but also to better educate them in their practical training from aircraft familiarization, emergency procedures to in-flight services and so on.

ICATS believes that its success is the fruit of a team that works together with one mission, passion and vision. Every member has an integral role in the organization. Its people, who are experts in their own fields, are the wings behind ICATS’ success. The expansion emboldened the country’s top-Flight Attendant school to not only to hire more people but also to serve more students in the hope that ICATS can change their lives for the betterment of their families.

In the coming years, ICATS aims to continue accomplish its mission, not only to train and develop more trainees into becoming a full-fledged flight attendant, but also in teaching them the true meaning of L.I.F.E.

ICATS will continue to fulfill its vision; to see all its graduates flying to every nation carrying in their hearts the Leadership, Integrity, Faith and Excellence that they learned in their 30 days training.

ICATS will continue to passionately serve others and to become a vessel of hope especially to the young ones who are brimming with dreams to see the world.

ICATS will continue to be the most preferred training school for learning and developing personal skills of all service industry.

With this vision especially on improvement, ICATS is proud that one of its founder and Program and Training Head, Mr. Arthuro “Arth” De Leon just completed his Corporate Image Consultant Certificate Course at Sterling Style Academy in New York City on August 8, 2018. 

Sterling Style Academy offers Certification Program for men and women worldwide who would like to become skilled in performing compelling style consultations. For ICATS, this will greatly benefit its trainees and will be helpful in creating and developing Campus and Corporate Programs for ICATS. 

To now more about ICATS, visit http://www.icatsonline.com/

Notes: Unless otherwise indicated all the photos belong officially to ICATS.

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