
Discovery Hotels and Resorts supports relief efforts for landslide victims in Itogon, Benguet

by - October 25, 2018

The Discovery Leisure Company, Inc. (TDLCI) partners with Art Relief Mobile Kitchen (ARMK), a non-government organization whose mission is to feed the hungry through community kitchens. The collaboration provided food aid to the rescuers, evacuees and volunteers in Barangay Ucab, Itogon, Benguet, where Typhoon Ompong triggered a state of calamity.

(L-R) Art Relief Mobile Kitchen vice-president Al Benavente and co-founder Precious Leano with Discovery Suites Manila general manager Leeds Trompeta

Discovery Shores Boracay, Discovery Suites Manila and Discovery Primea, all part of the Preferred Hotels and Resorts family, including sister properties Club Paradise Palawan and Discovery Country Suites have donated food items ranging from rice, cooking oil, condiments, and other basic necessities which can make approximately 11,000 meals.

A substantial monetary donation from TDLCI and its sister company Discovery World Corporation (DWC) is also being used to mobilize food relief in Barangay Ucab, to support the families in this critical period of transition -- majority have lost their livelihood from the typhoon.

“We are devastated by the situation in Itogon, Benguet,” said TDLCI chief operating officer Jun Parreño. “To ease the adversity being faced by the Barangay Ucab community, we feel that providing emergency food relief is a meaningful and impactful way of reaching out. This is why we chose to partner with ARMK.”

Art Relief Mobile Kitchen has been preparing and serving nutritious emergency food aid since 2013 through their mobile kitchens which can be deployed at a moment’s notice. Alex Baluyut, founder of ARMK, said “Our volunteers are highly motivated and believe in our advocacy in feeding the hungry in times of distress, and we are honored to partner with an organization such as TDLCI who understands the value of serving satisfying meals to help our people in need.”

To learn more about this relief effort or for more details on how you can support the cause, please visit https://www.discoveryhotels-resorts.com.

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