AXA Philippines’ time-saving tips for a stress-free holiday

by - December 15, 2018

With the holidays just around the corner, expect things to get a little more frantic, with traffic bound to escalate to bumper-to-bumper levels and offices feeling the pressure to get things done before the year ends. Here are some useful tips you can follow to avoid stress — and save time and money while you’re at it — this holiday season:

Buy from your local small-scale business. 

Avoid the jam-packed malls and think of your friend, relative, or the shop down the street that sells homemade or artisanal stuff. Not only would your gifts or décor be unique, you may also be able to get them at relatively cheaper prices. Even then, shop smart: Make a list and stick to it. If they have an online store, even better.

Re-think gift wrapping.

Consider the environment: How much paper goes to waste as gift wrappers? Maybe you don’t need to wrap some gifts. You can give them in the shopping bags they came with or use recycled paper if you still must go with the element of surprise. Add a personalized note to your gifts for a warm touch.

Order in.

Instead of slaving in the kitchen, find a caterer or restaurant that can make and deliver everything from appetizers to desserts. With the time you saved, you can focus on cooking your specialty dish for your loved ones.

Go to one-stop shops that can cater to all your needs.

With the traffic situation getting worse as Christmas nears, snaking in and out of city streets is the last thing you want to do. Plan your errands and shopping so that you can do them all in one place to save time, gas, and parking or commuter fees.

As with Christmas preparations, looking for different insurance products to cover all your needs should not be so time-consuming. AXA Philippines, one of the country’s leading insurance companies, now offers both life and general insurance so that you only need to remember one name, whether it’s life insurance or a health plan you need or coverage for your car, house, or business. For all that you value, choose AXA. For more information, visit

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