
Pinoy Social Site Tayona.PH sets to inspire Selfie generation to become selfless generation

by - January 31, 2017

Statistics shows that the Philippines are one of the leading “selfie” countries in the world. We took delight in hearing such thing but ask yourself, what good does it bring us to be acknowledged as such? Or if you’re a member of a social media group, what kind of interaction do you gain from them? These are some of the many concerns that Tayona.ph or simply TayoNa dwells on as well as to make a call for a responsible membership in this age of technology and innovation.

Tayona is a movement of Filipinos worldwide interacting online at www.tayona.ph and enjoying all its features for their personal benefits and their country. Conceptualized and created by TayoNa Inc, its main goal is to call upon Filipinos to take more active participation in nation building. Tayo Na is a Filipino expression which means “Let go.”

Founded by a group of people headed by Atty. Arthur C. Corpuz, the Chairman and CEO, TayoNa, as a social advocacy encourages us to contribute for a better Philippines and realize the potential of our country and its present condition. It was formally launched last November 2016.

During the media meet and greet last January 28, 2017 held at  TGGA Restaurant, Atty. Corpuz  expounded on TayoNa’s credo. He believed that with our country’s natural and human resources, Filipinos can truly make it as long as we unite in helping our country.  He believe that social media is one way of platform to better our country.

TayoNa as an app is free, it cost noting. Majority of its features aims to provide benefits for you, your family, your friends and the community as a whole. Where else can you see a Pinoy social media site`where you can nominate a scholar and let others help you raise schoilarship money for them? What more, because TayoNa knows how addicted we are to selfie and groufie, they have several photo themed contest that does not only let you interact with others but it’s also a help for a cause activities.  Two of its ongoing project is the Sipag Pinoy and “Selfie for a Cause.”

So how does TayoNa of help to its members and serve as a social economic tool?

Being a TOOL FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT makes “TayoNa” different because aside from the individual benefits derived by its members, the site is used to support noble causes such as regular and sustained scholarship program with the “SELFIE FOR A CAUSE” campaign or the salute to Filipino Workers (local and overseas) using the “SIPAG PINOY” campaign etc. 

The basic feature of the site is e-gift giving or sharing, where the gift giver automatically receives “Wish Gems” which can be used to “wish” for prizes such as “educational assistance”, plane ticket, gadgets etc. At the same time, the gift recipient is automatically credited with “Points” which can be used to send eGifts in order to earn Wish Gems. 

Sign up now for your free profile at www.tayona.ph

Like their page on FB@tayona.ph  and Follow them on Twitter; Instagram @tayona.ph

Download their new and improved Tayona.ph mobile app at Google Play Store with tayonaph.

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