
RCBC GoSavers' shapes kids in becoming young investors for a secured future

by - July 26, 2018

At the age of 7, my parents instilled in me the value of savings and how important it is to have “something for the rainy days.” When the popularity of the “Happy Savers Club” was at its peak, I have the sole decision to transfer my account there, well simply because I was crazy over Sanrio and savings is more fun because of it. And wouldn’t you know it,” rainy days” for me was desperately buying that Little Twin Stars’ pencil case.

I also have a second bank account simply because there’s another bank in Lucena that time which gave away a very big pen if you open an account with a minimum amount of five hundred pesos. I remember pooling my baon for a month (luckily it was December then) just to get that ballpen. Looking back, I can’t believe I have two bank accounts even before I graduated from grade 6. The feeling of security of having money in the bank is great and I have this mentality that I am free to spend it whenever.

Just like then, today’s children also have their own goals and dreams that they want to achieve. From something as simple as buying the latest toy or gadget, to surprising their parents with a gift on their special day, kids want to have their own money so they can experience the feeling of spending freely. 

This is the reason why it is advisable to start them early on their financial journey. As parents of this eager young generation, it is important to guide them as they make their own decisions and show them the value of saving and how to handle their finances wisely.

Building a secure financial foundation

One of the most effective ways parents can first teach their children to save money is by letting them own a piggy bank. Coin banks encourage them to save a portion of their allowance and grow their money over time. In return, kids can use their savings to buy the things they want while at the same time learning the value of patience and perseverance.

Budgeting can also work for kids and teens who are given weekly and monthly allowances to spend. With a given budget, they can learn how to smartly plan for their expenses and prioritize where to use their money. This shapes them to become responsible and wise spenders in the future.

Once they get used to saving in a piggy bank, the next step is to open their own bank account. Having their own personal savings accounts, kids can learn independence and responsibility in managing their finances early in life. Likewise, it helps them grow and mature to become financially savvy individuals.

Aside from teaching kids to save money, parents can also guarantee a stable financial foundation for the young ones by getting them insured. With life insurance, parents can have greater peace of mind knowing their kids are covered from any unfortunate events. It also gives children security and freedom to enjoy life without any worries.

One of the most child-friendly banks that parents can trust in helping shape their kids to become smart young investors is RCBC with its new GoSavers Kiddie and Teen Savings Account. It comes with its own debit card and passbook that will assist children in tracking their hard-earned savings. It is also the first start-up savings account in the country that offers a comprehensive insurance package for both parents and the child.

With only a minimum initial deposit of P100, parents can already open a GoSavers account for their child. To qualify for the free Sun Life Grepa insurance, the account holder must make an initial deposit or maintain a 6-month average daily balance of at least P10,000. It promises lifelong protection for the family with its life insurance for the parents and personal accident and accident medical reimbursement for the child.

At the launch of RCBC GoSavers earlier held at the Test Kitchen Pasong Tamo, it was pointed out how it is important to start them young in saving, Emmanuel Valdes, Senior Vice President and Head of Deposit Products and Promotions Division shared that,“Our goal has always been financial inclusion for all Filipinos and part of that is educating children on how to save and manage their own finances.” He also that RCBC want to create a savings-conscious generation where the bank can enable and show to these kids how to intelligently and consistently grow their money for their own future.

With the RCBC GoSavers, parents can enjoy the guarantee of a secured financial future and safety for their kids.  It is open to children 21 years old and below and they can either apply online through www.rcbc.com/Personal/GoSavers or drop by at any RCBC branch nationwide. 

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